Planning a wedding always involves lots of lists, lots of decisions and lots of last minute panic. Hiring a wedding coach or bus to transport the wedding party is an easy decision that can help avoid the last minute panic of how Auntie Mabel is going get to the ceremony!
Our buses and coaches are always immaculately presented and can be decoratedĀ if required. Our expert drivers are always polite, offer a personal service and are smartly dressed for your special day.
Our licence allows us to hire out up to 2 vehicles at a time from the three that are maintained for this use.
Vehicles currently licensed include two white 48 seat touring coaches with steps at the entrance. All seats have belts fitted.
Our 42 seat Scania low floor single decker bus has easy access and wheelchair spaces, but is not seat-belt fitted.
Please contact us for further details andĀ a quote.
Wedding pictures credit – Tabitha Boydell